Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Two Years!

I am resurrecting the blog so that I can wish Josh a Happy 2nd Anniversary!  Here's to two wonderfully happy years and looking forward to many more!  These years have seen us go from this:

The young Mr. and Mrs. Dalton, crossing the Atlantic in Cunard style

To this:

An exhausted but happy and expanded Dalton family!

 My inclination on such an occasion, being more given to the use of superlatives and such, would be to rhapsodize a bit on the many virtues of Josh.  But, having come to know the man by this point, I do not wish to embarrass him. I will therefore be content to just say a few things about why I'm glad I married Mr. Josh Dalton:

(1) The Hair.  I mean . . . honestly, it's remarkable.  We're still hoping that Jack will grow some like Daddy.

Cape May, NJ, Labor Day 2009

(2)  Josh is a selfless, devoted, and attentive father.  The happiest time of day for Jack and me is when Josh walks in the door--Jack starts shrieking giggles and I breathe a sigh of relief.  He loves to do everything with Jack, and always gets up with him in the morning, changing his diaper and playing with him before work so that I can get in an extra half hour of sleep.  That is a magical time for me.   

Daddy, teaching Jack the ways of beanies and root beer.

(3)  Josh does things just to make me happy--note the three Halloweens we've spent together (Halloween 2010 was spent moving into our new apartment, a week before the wedding):

Mary Poppins and Samurai, 2009
Pregnant Mary Poppins and Chimney Sweep, 2011
Tarzan and Jane, 2012

(4) Josh is a truly loyal friend.  This is a quality I noticed very early on in our dating relationship that I loved and admired in him. I feel lucky to have such a man as my best friend.

November 6, 2010: D.C. Darlings

(5) Josh brought Asian food into my life: sushi, gyoza, ramen, mabodofu, sukiyaki, bubble tea, tofu, pho . . . all these were unchartered waters until February 2009.  Back then I gave up in a panic when trying to buy soy sauce at H-Mart; the sheer amount of options paralyzed me, and I fled to Giant and bought whatever they had.  Now I have a pantry stocked with nori, mirin, konbu, shiitake, soba, sesame oil, and so forth, AND I actually know what to do with it.  I also think I've improved with chopsticks, although Josh may not agree.

New Year's Meal with the Daltons, 2011

(6)  Josh has made married life exceed all my girlhood expectations, and this is saying something (I mean, I'm a McDonald...we don't dream by halves).  It's a joy to share life with him, even when it's hard.  His goodness and love make my life a blessed thing and an enduring cause for thanksgiving.
The Table, Isle of Skye, Scotland, 2011

Thus is my present to Josh, along with this year's fancy anniversary dinner, in which the crab bisque turned out quite well but the filet mignon ended up medium well instead of medium rare (yet again, grrr).  Thanks for eating it anyway, dearest.


Ann Marie


  1. Ah what a wonderful life! Beautiful pics, too! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary to an amazing couple! May the happiness continue on and on and on.......

  3. I just happened to look at your blog tonight, and I'm so glad I did! What a fabulous re-cap of your 2 years together. Oh the dreams you had of finding your mystery husband... someone who would love you completely and take care of you in every way. I'm so happy for you, and so glad you found that man. Happy 2 years! :)
