Thursday, December 13, 2012

Back with Jack

I've been working on a post for Jack for like 2 months now, and because it's so large in scope (his life thus far), it is not getting done.  So I am shelving it and just starting from now: Jack is a babbling, drooling, teething, crawling, climbing, anxious-to-walk 8.5 month-old. He was sick for the first time in his life this past week, which I have discovered is a new kind of awful.  But yesterday and today he has been back to smiling as usual, as you shall see below.

Sitting up like a jolly big boy in his new high chair:

 Trying to climb Mom's leg (note my festive socks) and showing off his new teeth:

This is our little dude!  He loves the washing machine, tinsel on the tree, the knocker on our door, and climbing things that will inevitably tip over and bring about a bonked head.  His newest thing is babbling and muttering while we hold his hands and walk with him all over the house.  It's adorable.  He is currently trying to eat the tablecloth while I type this, which is less adorable. 

I will not be surprised if he walks sooner rather than later.  I thought he was going to skip regular crawling all together (he'd been Army crawling for 2 months), when suddenly a week ago he discovered his knees.  I look forward to having him steady enough on his feet that I won't have to panic about him toppling over and braining himself, which he did this morning while trying to climb my legs while I was trying to wash my hands.  He fell, I lunged to catch him, and in the process smashed my mouth into the corner of the bathroom counter.  I now look like a circus clown with this huge fat lip on the bottom (Josh may be terrified when next he sees me), and I can't say all my words right.  An adventurous baby and a clumsy mom make for a dangerous combination. 


  1. Incredible child. With that smile, he'll be able to get just about anything he wants. So sorry about the fat lip....

  2. Oh man, how do you get him to smile like that for the camera? He wuvs you!!

  3. Delightful blog, sorry for your scrape though. The pictures of Jack are awesome.
